Saturday, July 26, 2008

Chuck Taylors and an Outdoor Photo Shoot

I absolutely love Caden's shoes and had to get some close-ups of them.

'What do you want Mommy? I'm trying to pull these buttons off my chair.'

'I think I have this thing turned around backwards...'

Playing outside letting Daddy take some 'outdoor' photos...

Our neighbor across the street was doing his lawn while we were outside and Caden was fixated on him. He nearly fell asleep, seriously.


almost gone...

'Not a care in the world...the sun at my back....'

**Yes, I know, his shoes didn't match...I'm Amber and everything must match...I didn't think we would get such good close-up photos...Forgive me Fashion gods, for I have sinned.**


Anonymous said...

Caden you have now had a whole new world opened up for you and now you can "go outside and play". My goodness I wish you would slow down on this "growing up". It's hard for Grammie to keep up with you sweet angel baby boy. You look cute in whatever you have on - such a beautiful baby boy.

Jamie said...

Because I am not a fashionista, I didn't even notice that his shoes didn't match until you pointed it out! How did he like the grass?

Anonymous said...

Oh, he is so sweet!!! He's really going to stand at the front door wanting to get back out there to play in the grass, hear the birds and see the squirrels!! I don't know a child yet that doesn't like the outdoors. There is so much to see. Bugs, lizards, frogs...Ugh...Sorry Amber! I know how much you like those little creatures. Just wait. It's the time's coming...HAA!!! ')

Anonymous said...

Ughh. Sorry for the mess-up on the last sentence. I'm delerious from painting the bathroom. Must be the fumes' effects on the ole brain... :( I think I even misspelled delerious...

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