Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tool Work Bench for Caden

Mommy and Daddy got a tool work bench for Caden today while he was at Grammie's house. Will, a little boy in his daycare was looking to get rid of it so Tim and I scooped it up. Although it was about 45 minutes before bedtime by the time we got home from Grammie's, Caden had a blast playing with it and I think Daddy did too! It has a saw, hammer, screwdriver, sander, you name it!Here is Daddy showing Caden how to use the hammer. Guaranteed to make lots of noise!It also came with a cell phone, that -according to Daddy- you need to have just in case you cut your finger and need to dial 911.Here he is checking out the drawer full of goodies that came with it.Will also gave Caden a fire truck that makes noise. Here is Daddy showing Caden how to push it into the fire place from the kitchen!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Caden! How awesome is that???It's just like Christmas again!!

Jamie said...

That is adorable! Caden, will you build me something with your new tools?? And by the way, the phone is call all your customers and tell them that you have completed their projects. :)

Jamie said...

Ok...that should read that the phone is TO call all your customers...sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

looks like a blast....I hope Kiki looks at this. Luke has the same fire truck....

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