Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ramblings . . .

I know that lately it seems I am only pretty much posting Wordless Wednesday pictures and am late in the day on Wednesdays posting those!  Well, I have a good reason.  I'VE BEEN SO SICK!  Not throw up sick but completely and utterly nauseous sick!

I am throwing out the prediction right now that this child growing inside of me must be a GIRL!  I have no scientific evidence to prove this except for my expert opinion that a sweet precious little boy would NEVER do this to his Mommy!  Caden certainly did NOT!  You would not have known I was pregnant with Caden had you not seen my growing belly!  I was the envy of all my friends and they will all attest (or they better) that I predicted-while pregnant with Caden-that there was no way I'd have it that good again if we had a 2nd baby.  This time, I'm so mad that I am 100% correct! 

At times I wish I could just throw up, but I've been told by my best friend that it would not help.  It is so crazy that 2 pregnancies can be so totally different.  There, I said it, that's my proof and opinion that I must be carrying a GIRL!  I will eat my words when we do find out, but for now, I'm blaming it on the over abundant flow of Estrogen coursing through my body.

Nothing that prevents or is suppose to help nausea has worked, they only provide a temporary reprieve!  I even have a prescription for Zofran which I'm told is what they give chemotherapy patients who battle nausea.  30 minute reprieve!

Yes I know that it will all be worth it in the end (say all the smiling Mothers that I know).  YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT!?!  I've held Caden when he was born and I was deliriously happy with joy!  BUT-I think I've earned the right to complain a bit.  Nausea is N.O.T. F.U.N.!  I should own stock in Keebler crackers and Ginger Ale...seriously, someone get me a contract with them.  'For temporary and I do mean temporary relief of Keebler and drink Ginger Ale...'

I could totally rock the commercials.


Jamie said...

And that, my friend, is why I am D.O.N.E.!

I hope you get to feeling better very soon! Maybe the Easter Bunny will send you a bunch of Cadbury Eggs and they will be your new 'temporary relief'. :)

GiGi said...

If that's a cure, I'll send her a case! I, too, hope it won't last much longer. You should start feeling better before too long.

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