Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Jamisen Cox!

Tonight we went to Jamisen's 1st birthday party! We had such a great time! Great food and fun! Caden had so much fun playing with Jamisen.

Here are the boys getting acquainted.
The last time they met was in August after Caden was born. See below.August 2007Caden found one of Jamisen's toys to play with.
Here's Jamisen having something to drink!
Mr. Brian saying hi to Cade Man.
The Cox Family: Brian, Jamisen and Andrea
Here's Jamisen ripping into his Little People car we got him. 'I like my drum kit I got, I just prefer to eat the drumsticks.''I would just like to say that we will all be doing this same thing next month around this time.'The Grill Man, Brian.He had a blast trying out Jamisen's swing outside.

Caden found Jamisen's toy corner. Such a cute cake. At this point he wasn't too sure about the cake thing. He caught on fast though!The aftermath...


Jamie said...

It looks like you guys had a great time...especially Caden! I love the pics of Jamisen with his cake. One of my favorite things to witness is a one-year old with their first birthday cake. Priceless!

Anonymous said...

Awww.. Thanks so much for putting these up. WE had such a great time with you 3 and were so glad that you were able to come. Caden is a sweetie:)His pal Jamisen says can't wait to play w/you soon, but can you not run away when I try to give you kisses!!

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