Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Telling Caden About the Baby

I want to get all of this in writing should I forget how it all happened (pregnant head will do that to a Mom to Be).

Tim and I were waiting until our first appointment at the Dr's office before we told Caden about the arrival!  Our appointment was on March 28th.  All was well, obviously, so we came home and night decided we would tell Caden.

He was playing cars at the coffee table so Tim asked him to come sit down so we could talk to him.  Tim started off by asking him if he remembers us telling him to be careful around Mommy's tummy because she didn't feel well.  Caden nodded and then Tim told him that we had been to the Dr today and there is a baby in Mommy's tummy!

We explained that he was going to have a baby brother or a baby sister.  He said, 'But I want a baby sister.'  We then explained that we will have to wait and see.

He said 'I want to see' and then lifted my shirt and said that he didn't see 'it'.  We told him that we had pictures to show him and so we pulled them out and handed them to him.  He studied them and looked really hard at them.

He then said, 'Mommy and Daddy went to the Dr today and got a baby.'  As if we drove up and she handed one to us!  It was so precious!  We explained that we had prayed for a baby and that God answered our prayers and he interrupted and said he wanted to 'take the baby out'!  We explained the way the baby grows by reminding him of his rubber turtle that GiGi and Poppa gave him.  We had to put the turtle in a sink with water and wait for days for it to grow.  He grasped that concept thankfully.

The rest of the conversation went like this:

Caden:  When the baby comes out can I give it kisses?

Tim and Amber:  Yes, of course.

Caden:  Can I say, 'I LOVE YOU BABY!' ? 

Tim and Amber:  Yes.

Caden:  Can I drop the baby on the floor?


I'm going to go with 'I think he was just testing us to see if we were paying attention'... :)

Tim explained that Mommy's belly will continue to grow and that he can actually talk to the baby and feel the baby kick.

Caden interrupted and said, 'We do not kick, that's not nice.'  So funny!

We were thoroughly enjoying this conversation and Q&A with him when he abruptly said, 'Um, Mommy/Daddy you want to play cars with me?'

And we're done...

He is going to be such a great big brother.  He is always wanting to talk to the baby and about the baby!  We cannot wait!


Jamie said...

I'm so glad you wrote this down because it will put a smile of your face for years to come! Caden is already an amazing child but he is going to be an even more amazing big brother.

GiGi said...

I can't wait to see him when they put the baby in his arms the first time. He's going to be such a proud big brother and a big help to mommy too!

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