Friday, July 1, 2011

Fort Worth Zoo

Yesterday Tim and I took off from work and surprised Caden with a trip to the zoo!

Amazingly enough, this picture of him below was on the WAY TO THE ZOO!  I'm thinking he didn't sleep much the night before!
Here are my 2 guys just as we were entering the zoo!
Here he is visiting the elephants!  (A lot of these pictures are out of order by the way!)
Riding an alligator!  It was so funny because as we walked in from the sun, he saw this on the floor and thought it was real!
I love my Cade Man!
Here they are looking at the tigers, I think!
Monkeys!  Caden had so much fun watching these little guys jump from limb to limb and swing around and play!
These always freaked me out as a kid.  There is something about the nose that is just not natural!
I love that Caden is into smiling more now!
Here he is waiting on the train to come around the corner!  He was so excited to ride it!
Rosy red cheeks on the train!
They have dinosaurs stationed all round the zoo that move and make noises.  Here is one of the first ones we saw while riding the train.
First time on a stagecoach!
Talking to the prairie dogs!
This was part of their Texas exhibit.  Deer and turkey!
Bald Eagle!  Caden was so excited because all this week at school the theme has been Independence Day and he actually brought home a craft where his hand prints made an eagle!
Mountain lions!
Leopard, my favorite!
Not sure what this contraption was, but Caden was checking it out!
Another dinosaur!
The sun was in his eyes, but here is a kangaroo statue he posed beside.
Now for the real ones!
Another dinosaur!  These were so fascinating to see how big they actually were!
The BIG one!
They were so life-like!
We entered the reptile house and one of the zoo keepers had a Woma Python for everyone to touch.  Caden LOVED touching it.  I even touched it!  I just don't touch lizards!  
All in all we had a fantastic day as a family.  The heat was only bad toward the end of our visit, so we made frequent stops into buildings which had A/C!


GiGi said...

What fun times he will never forget! I know when he went to bed, he thought the day over and went to bed a happy little guy! When I talked to him this morning he said, 'GiGi, I wanna take you and Poppa to the zoo with me!' Of course, I accepted, so we will plan to do that!!

Jamie said...

I LOVE the Ft. Worth zoo and can't wait to see the dinosaurs! I'm so glad you three got to spend the day together doing something fun!

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