Thursday, August 1, 2013

Disney World Here We Come!

Well the Iveys decided to go on a trip, and we did it big!  What started as a vacation in Florida at a 'beach' turned into , 'Well we will be so close to Disney World, let's do that too!'

So after Caden's last Iron Pigs baseball game, we came home, showered, changed, ate and hit the road!

Here 'We4Iveys' are leaving our neighborhood!  You can barely see Cameron peeking around the corner!

First stop Georgia! 
It was late at night when we pulled into FL.  They boys did amazingly well for such a long drive.  They napped off and on and I had plenty of snacks to keep us going!

Here's Cameron happy to be nearing FL!
Caden was pretty tired!

Finally made it to Florida.  We stayed in a hotel just inside Florida and I left my entire overnight bag there and had to have it shipped to Orlando! :|

Tim will have to correct me if I mistakenly have these out of order.  We did A LOT during our trip, so I'm trying to keep them in the order we did them. 

First stop was Animal Kingdom.  We had a lot of fun and were well versed in WALKING  A LOT!

Our first show was the Lion King show.  It was so much fun!  Caden and Cameron both enjoyed it!
 We also went on a 'Safari' through the jungle to see animals (fake).
 Although, how real does this elephant look?!  It was as if he were charging at us!

 I don't remember this character's name, but Caden saw him and ran over to get a picture with him!
Giant Rhino!
The next day we headed to Magic Kingdom.  We visited this park twice, so some pictures you will notice we are in different clothing!
 The famous castle!
 Love this picture!
We got to meet Mickey Mouse!  Cameron was not a fan of any of the characters.  Look at his left foot, he would dig it into my side!
 Goofy!  Or as Cameron calls him 'Goo-Ray'
We met Donald Duck too!  They were all so nice to us!
 This is what Cameron did the entire time we were in FL.  EAT!
 This is Caden on our last day which was the 2nd trip to Magic Kingdom.  We were all worn out!
 Cameron would fall asleep on Daddy's chest at the end of every park visit.
See?  Such a cutie.
 And again on the ferry ride.
 Caden would fall asleep in the car on the way back to the hotel.
 This was at Downtown Disney! 
 Caden had his face painted like a bear!
 Ooooo scary!
He even scared Daddy!
 Cam just sat there and had his water!
 We loved Hollywood Studios too.
 Again, the sun was crazy bright!
 Fake scenery in the background that looked super real!
 We all got to meet Mike and Sully!
 After that we headed to Epcot.  It was very cool to see the different countries represented.
 Daddy and the boys!
 We go to go on a Nemo adventure and  see a show which was great!  Here we are outside of the show.
 Love my Caden!
 We also went to Blizzard Beach which is a water park designed around the idea that a blizzard hit it!
Poor Cameron!  I'm not sure what he would have done without Daddy's chest to sleep on!  He napped here for a long time before we moved on to the next thing!
After we said goodbye to Mickey Mouse and Disney World, we headed for Treasure Island, FL for a few days of beach and relaxation!

The view outside our hotel room.

 Cameron enjoyed hanging out!
The boys loved the sand as you can imagine!  
While at the beach Cameron was eating cheez-its and dropped one on the sand and started to pick it up and eat it.  I grabbed it and threw it behind me.   As soon as I did we had a Hitchcock 'Birds' moment!  Cameron had a blast chasing all the birds!

Daddy buried Caden in the sand!  I'm so surprised that he didn't freak out!

We walked around the strip that night before turning in for the evening.  Caden had to sit down by the pirate!

 Both boys took a little nap on the beach which I thought was so cute!

Sleepy Caden.

 and Cameron!
We also drove to a little pier near Tampa and saw manatees!  We thought this was so neat!  Cameron kept calling them walruses! 
 Here is Cameron modeling 2 of the souvenirs we got at Disney World!
We had such an amazing time and cannot wait to go back when Cameron is a little bit bigger so he can ride more of the rides with us!

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