Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Parade

Friday Caden and I headed to Conroe to help Kari and Scott unpack boxes and get things organized in their new home. We did not take any pictures, we were so busy, there was no time! Caden decided to scare Mommy half to death by launching Kari's debit card into the air and guess where it landed?! Yes, in my eye! The same eye that had the scratched cornea back in March of 2008. I will spare you the gory picture that I sent home to Tim! Trust me, it was not pretty. I looked like I had been in a fight!

Caden and I came back Sunday afternoon and Tim and I decided to take Caden to the Labor Day Parade in Garland.

It was extremely hot on Monday as you will see below.

Caden stayed hydrated by downing the water during the parade!Tim poured some water on a towel and Caden wore it throughout most of the parade. He loved having that cool towel on his head!

Here he is giving Mommy some loving.
It was then Daddy's turn. Caden was loving on Daddy but not looking at the camera. He was too busy studying the policeman on the street.I loved the look on his face in this one.
Caden had fun watching the festivities and we had a truck load of candy that people passed out to him. Me being the Nazi-Anti-Sugar Mom that I am, the poor child would take the candy and then just look at it, like 'What is this?'...Oh well, he'll hopefully have less dental visits than some kids! Or at least, that's what I'm telling myself!
Tim's high school Alma Mater, Garland High School.
True story about the picture below. I am no idiot, I do realize that clowns are at parades. I had
Tim on the lookout for them so I would know when to bail off the tailgate and position myself around to the front of the truck to avoid their creepy faces! When Tim saw them coming (as he laughed so hard) he let me know. So I did what I said I would and as I walked around to the front of the truck, the same policeman that Caden was watching, looked at me totally confused. I said, 'I have a fear of clowns...' He said, 'Ahhh....' I know he was thinking, 'what the heck are you doing at the parade?' So, after the parade of evil clowns and after the parade was over, we packed up, got in the truck and proceeded to drive off. Guess who pulled in front of our truck as they were leaving?! THAT'S RIGHT, THE CLOWNS! So I had to bury my head in my hands to avoid looking at them! Needless to say, I'm making a list of volunteers who in the future might want to take my child to the circus. Tim of course is fine with clowns, but I AM NOT! Just to show you people, once again, as I have in the past, here is my fear! Click HERE!


GiGi said...

Caden, I'm glad you had so much fun! Maybe Daddy & Mommy can take you back to the parade every year, like I took your mommy when she was little. She grew up and was then in those parades herself! It became a family tradition for us.

Jamie said...

Everyone loves a good parade! I must say, Amber, I am quite impressed that you even posted a picture of the clowns! Maybe you are on the road to overcoming your fear???....nah, what am I thinking?!

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