Monday, December 1, 2008

Caden? Thowing a Tantrum? No Way.... WAY!

My angel of a son learned the toddler art of Tantrum Throwing. I have decided that I do not like it at all! Not cute, not funny, not in the least! The following pictures were taken tonight when I told him he could not go in the sun room with the dogs...I know, CPS should totally be called, right? I mean geez, I'm a horrible mother...

To my own mother: I apologize for ever exhibiting this behavior. I'm sure I did not, but if I did, I am sorry!


Anonymous said...

Shame on could you make that sweet boy cry??? LOL!!!!You are lucky if this is the first for you. Luke has done it a couple of times already! He gets over it pretty fast, I just laugh at him.

Kari said...

Poor Cade Man. Don't make Aunt Kay come down and take him away from you, mean ole' mommy!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but this has got to be someone else. My precious Caden does not do anything like this?!?!?! Caden be gppd because Santa is looking and watching you. I love you so much sweet boy.

Jamie said...

Awe, that just breaks my heart. He looks so sad! I know it's no fun for Mommy, though. Did he hate you for taking his picture or did it help stop it?

Anonymous said...

My sweet baby Caden...The next time I come up there, I'm going to pack your bags and we'll run out the front door! I know it's hard to hear the word "no" from mommy, but like Grammie said, Santa's watching! Love and Kisses XOXOXOXO

Nancy said...

That is hilarious! Cooper is right in the middle of this stage too. He usually gets over it pretty quickly, thank goodness, but it's lots of fun. Especially in public! :) Miss you guys!

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