Monday, August 24, 2009

Caden's 2 Year Check Up

Today I took Caden for his 2 year check up. I am proud to say he passed! :)

Here are his stats:
Weight: 29lbs 13 oz. (71%)
Length: 36-1/4" (90%)
Head: 19-3/4" (85%)

He is doing great. He lost his mind while they were measuring his height, weighing him and checking his heart. However, they pricked his finger for a lead test and he laughed as his blood filled up the little straw!!!! Mrs. Keeley his nurse was so surprised that the tears stopped as the blood started! Dr. Berry was trying to check his ears (which usually is no big task) but this time I was having to hold his legs down and her hold his arms. She mentioned she felt like she was a vet trying to get him to be still!
I asked about his lack of 'juice' intake. He refuses juice of any kind and prefers water over everything else. She said, 'Do not force the juice! Be glad he does not like it!' She said it was great and that he should have perfect teeth without all that sugar! I was glad to find out that it was a good thing!
No more shots until he is 4!


Jamie said...

Such a big boy! I wonder where he gets his height??? :0)

Kari said...

Wow Yeah for Caden! What a good boy I am so excited he is growing so well.

GiGi said...

Caden you are such a sweet handsome little man! Yeaaaa....No more shots!!

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