Monday, August 24, 2009

Fun with the Big Wheel Outside

Caden took the Big Wheel outdoors today. We had so much fun watching him navigate the sidewalk, road and grass!
'What kind of trouble can I get into?'
'Daddy, help me find a way to jump the curb, this staying on the road and sidewalk is boring.'
'I can totally hop this curb, I don't care what Mommy and Daddy say.''Are you guys going to just stand there and say "told ya so" or help me up this curb?'
'I'm going to go down this street right ahead. You can either come with me or stay here.'
'You're staying? Are you sure? I might need you to help me up a curb again.''Are you guys coming with me now?''Peace out...I'm gone.'
'This is my Michael Jordan tongue hanging out pose...I'm concentrating.'


Kari said...

He is so cute. What great facial expressions!

GiGi said...

Cute cute!! Your captions are so fitting for the pics. I keep thinking of J saying Stetson should come over & bring his hot wheels and they would look like CHIPS (old tv show for you younger people)!

Jamie said...

He is a natural! Pretty soon the wheels will be all worn like Stetson's. And for the record...Stetson will come play CHIPS anytime!! :0)

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