Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Caden's Injury

Caden had a bad Wednesday!  After work I pulled up to our mailbox and noticed a package on our doorstep.  I told Caden to get out and grab the package and in the meantime I would circle the culdesac and pick him back up.  (I've done this a million times.) 

I drove back by to pick him up and he was sitting on our walkway screaming his head off.  He had ran down the walkway and tripped skinning up both his knees pretty bad.  I felt so sorry for him!

I helped him to the car and my precious Cade Man was so worried about getting blood on my seats that I had to assure him that it didn't matter just to get him to get inside the car! 

Dr. Daddy took the band aids off when he got home and put some gauze on it so it could breathe.  He is more a fan of Dr. Daddy than he is Dr. Mommy!  He would only let Daddy take the bandages off and clean him up!

He is much better now and hopefully will not run in flip flops down the walkway anymore!  Yeah Right!


GiGi said...

Poor little guy! I know it must've really hurt. I'm so glad it's all better now. This will be one of the stories he will always remember, of how mommy and daddy doctored those bobos.

Jamie said...

OUCH!! I'm sure he was running because he was so excited to see what the package was, but I hate that he tripped and got all banged up! Dr. Daddy fixed him up great but Dr. Mommy gave the kisses that made them all better! :)

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