Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Chicken Dance!

Mimi (Cheryl) and Granny (Mrs. A) came over last night to watch Caden while Tim and I went to dinner. We went to Mi Cocina and then shopping at the mall. Here is Caden while we waited for them to arrive.
We of course had to bring Caden a surprise! Check out the Easter Chick we bought him. We thought it was hilarious that he 'rocked' to the music and then gave a big grin at the end! As Granny says, 'A little of that goes a long way!' I think the song will be in our heads for a lonnnnnnggggggg time!


Jamie said...

That is precious! Any day now he is going to take off. Watch out Mom and Dad!

Anonymous said...

Hey! He's got rhythm!!! He's definitely going to be crawling within the week! Then the next week, he'll just get up and walk!

Jamie said...

he is awesome!!! brooke just got that same chicken from her grandpa & nana! she thinks it's hysterical too :) wow - he is ready to MOVE!!! can't wait to see him person soon.

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