Monday, March 31, 2008

Work-Related Injury???

So, I knew being a mother was a full-time job, but did you know it could be dangerous as well??? Last night I was holding Caden and reading '5 Little Monkeys' to him. He was getting all excited as I sang through the book and he flung his right arm in the air and his finger poked me in the eye! It hurt soooooo bad! I went to the Dr. today and I have a scratched cornea! Fun times I tell ya! I got some drops and they put in a contact to protect my eye and I should be fine in a few days. Here is a picture of the little culprit!


Jamie said...

I hate that you got injured, but look at that face! He looks perfectly innocent to me. ;)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd check the blog to see if you posted something new.Ha. He's definitely the cutest little monkey I've ever seen! I'm sorry about your eye, though. Wish I was up there to give you a big hug and spoil Caden for you.

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