Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I know, I know...

We have not posted in a while. We are working on his birthday slide show and will have it up tonight more than likely. In the meantime, he went to Dr. Berry yesterday for his 1 year check up! Wow, that seemed like so far away when I scheduled that appointment at his 9 month!
Anyway, he is doing great and here are his stats:
Weight: 24lbs 4 oz - 70%
Height: 30.5 inches - 75%

He had his MMR vaccines and the Chicken Pox one. He ran a little bit of fever last night and this morning, but other than that, he is just having a blast playing with his birthday toys!


Jamie said...

I still think he's taller than that. He seems so long and lean. I'm glad his check-up went well and I hope he recovers from his shots soon.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that when he gets 2 yrs old, take his height and double it and that will be what his adult height is. Barbara said it worked for her son.
I am looking forward to the slideshow and also to the next time I get to see him! I hope he feels better today and he can sleep good tonight.

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Ok, I'll extend a little grace. Cuz, last week when I tried to add my slideshow it was a nightmare, with blogger. I will give you until the weekend and then the blog nazi's comin' afta ya! Hey, go check out my new and improved blog. It's groovilicious.

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