Sunday, August 3, 2008

So Much Better...

Caden's face looks so much better this morning, which really helps Mommy's feelings. Here are some random shots of him last night.
Hanging out with Daddy.

Here he is getting in trouble for touching the T.V. Here is the 'look' all Mommies give their children.

Here is the apology from the child to the Mommy.

He is learning to push his little toys that have wheels on it now. He loves the Cookie Monster one that Cheryl's brother and sister in law gave him for Christmas. Thank you Mike and Charlotte!

He also now has a habit of closing doors.

'Just kidding, I'm back...'

He loves his books too. He will sit in our laps so very still until we are all finished reading to him.

All worn out and ready for bed.


Anonymous said...

It is always so much fun to see the new fun things that he learns to do every day. I'm so glad that his precious little face is better. After all that hard work, I'm sure he is ready for a nap. Grammie loves you so much!!!!

Jamie said...

First of all, I'm so glad that his face is better today. The random shots are great too! I love the one of the "Mommy look" is SO the face that we all make. I coudn't help but notice the gigantic sandwich in the background of the apology picture either. It made me smile, as does Caden. He's not even my child, but he honestly makes me smile and I feel so proud of all his accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

I, too, am so glad his face is better.The pics show his cute personality! I love it just before bedtime when he becomes so cuddley. I could rock him for hours, just to have the chance of holding and loving him.

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

His little "blind face" looks like it's healing up so that's fantastical. Looks like he's starting the "let's see what mommy and daddy will let me get away with"...."ahh, not much I see".

Boys, they're a handful.


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