Friday, August 8, 2008

My 10 Favorite Things

I saw this on another blog and hijacked it.

1. The smell of my husband when he wears 212. I LOVE IT and it takes me back to when we first started dating. (to clarify I love his smell all the time, but especially with 212!)
2. The smell of my son after a bath when I am holding him close. While we are on him, I also love the look on his face when he is asleep as I hold him. Priceless.
3. Mi Cocina's Sunset sauce. I LOVE IT and CANNOT get enough of it. After Tim and I started dating we went there and I raved on and on about it so we ordered it. I said 'It's a little spicy, but it is soooo good.' I thought he would break up with me. Apparently my definition of 'a little spicy' and his differ greatly! Ooops!
4. Black really can never have too many pairs. There are so many different styles. You must have a lot.
5. When my best friend and I are talking or IM'ing and we say something just as the other is saying the same thing. We like to call it the 'great mind' event. I call it the mark of true best friends!
6. Being an Aunt to my precious Lane and Avery and having Lane hug me so tight he nearly cuts off the circulation to my neck...that's love.

7. Looking at my sister a certain way and us cracking up laughing remembering a time when our pet dog Spike licked my ankle as I was putting on make up and Kari was watching me while she held a cup of chocolate milk. My knee hit the cabinet from fear there was a monster licking my ankle and it scared her and she slung chocolate milk all over the halls of mom and dad's home.

8. Driving to Houston no matter how boring and forever straight the drive is, knowing what is waiting for me when I get 'home'...Mom and Dad.

9. Christmas season...the smell of Christmas instantly transforms me into a 5 year old. Santa Claus is so real and the sights and smells of Christmas just make me a happier person with a heart that beats a tad bit faster!
10. My Mom's peanut butter pie. Enough said on that one. I dedicated a posting to it.


Jamie said...

What a great posting! How can you not love each and every one of those things??

Anonymous said...

Great job, girl! This really made my day! I especially needed this after having such a hectic start to my Friday!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Ummmmmmmmmmm....peanut butter pie, sounds yummy.

Kari said...

How neat I love this post! You are such a good blogger!

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