Tuesday, November 18, 2008

15 Month Check Up

I took Caden for his 15 month appointment today. We had a 9:30 appointment and were not seen until 10:15 because Dr. Berry had to admit a 2 month old baby who was currently below her birth weight! So scary.
Anyway, I had to entertain Mr. Cade Man by pointing out all the fish on the wall. He got bored really quickly. He wanted to push Dr. Berry's stool all over the exam floor, then he wanted to step on the pedal to open the trash can, play with the blinds and grab the door handle OVER and OVER again!
His stats are:
Weight: 26 lbs 9.5 oz (80%)
Length: 32.5 inches (80 %)
He also got his DtaP, IPV and the 2nd half of his flu shot. He was suppose to have his HiB as well but Dr. Berry said there was a national shortage so it will probably be given at his 18 month or 2 year appointment. It is funny how he knows something is about to happen now at his age. Jennifer the nurse walked in with the evil tray of shots and he lost his mind! I can remember being so worked up when he was 1 week old or when he had his shots earlier on and now I am much more calm. Funny how that just comes to you as they get older. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not calm enough to say, 'Hey Jennifer, give me his shots rather than him....'


Jamie said...

Oh man, I am sooo behind... he looks like a little boy now! And already a first haircut! So stinkin' cute. I miss you guys!!! Still need to do a playdate sometime too! Love love love his halloween costume :)

Jamie said...

Wasn't it much easier to take him to the doctor when he was an infant? I'm with you on the shots thing, though!!

Keeley said...

Ah the fun of the doctor office wait with a toddler... sounds like you had an adventure. Cade Man is getting big fast. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't like to see babies get shots, but I'm proud that you don't faint at the sight of them anymore. :|
He is growing up way too fast!

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