I picked Caden up this afternoon and he seems well! His little nose is not running as bad as it was yesterday! I think he is finally on the mend! I did buy him a new humidifier today that is shaped like an elephant! I cannot wait to hook it all up!
Here are some photos from last night as promised.
This is a toy he got from Steve and Laura that is a t-ball type toy. As you can see, Caden has not grasped the concept of the game yet!
'What am I suppose to do with this?'
As you all know, I cannot resist a cute foot photo!As I told you in the previous post, Caden now feeds himself with his fork. Check it out.
Caden, you are such a cute little big man!! I'm so proud of you! Looks like Mommy can hardly get the fork back to you quick enough!!
Caden, that is such a big boy! Luke isn't so cooperative with handing the fork back....he loves to use it and play with it.
My goodness...I've never seen anyone grab a fork so quickly! He knows exactly what he's doing!
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