Caden has long outgrown his Jumperoo that Aunt Kay and Uncle Scotty gave him. However, he still enjoys pulling on it and making it jump. Today I put him in it just to see what he'd do and he fell asleep. The poor child has been hopped up on 'roids and was a wild man last night. He circled through our foyer, into the office, through the kitchen and into the living room 6 times while I was on the phone with my Mom. He turned on every single toy that he has that makes noise and then turned them back on when the song would end.
Sleepy little boy...
My sweet little darling...
I am so sorry you'll have been under the weather. I feel your pain. Luke is finally well after a week and I hope Caden is as well.
What a sweet little angel. There is nothing more innocent than a child sleeping. You can just tell that he doesn't feel well, though. BIG HUGS AND KISSES!
Aunt Kay hates that you are feeling so bad baby Caden. I will be there to visit you on Friday and make everything better!!! Love you sweet boy.
poor little guy, sorry to hear you guys have had a rough time this past week / weekend.
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