I debated on whether to post this or not but after talking to friends and family and telling them, they thought it was hilarious! So, yesterday after the nurse pricked Caden's finger they took the sample to check it and said they'd be back shortly. So Mrs. Sarah had fed Caden his 2:00 bottle around 2:45, his appointment was at 3:30. (You mothers know where this is going!) Back to my story, he was wearing only a diaper and a bib since they had just taken all his measurements, etc. I lifted him up over my head and no I was not shaking him! Guess what happened! (Gross Out Alert! Stop reading if you aren't a mother!) He threw up/spit up ALL OVER ME AND IN MY MOUTH! It was all I could do to keep from hurling so I instinctively spit it back out all over him. I had it all over my face, in my hair, mouth, all over my sweater, down my bra, in my lap, in my necklace (EVERYWHERE). You know me, Mrs. Vain...most good mothers would take special care to get it all off the baby first, yeah, not me. I was like OH MY GOSH! I sat him on the counter next to the sink, knowing I'm racing against the clock for when the nurse comes back in! I turned on the sink and held him with one hand and used the other to pull napkins and wet them and remove my entire made up face, wipe my chest, neck and every other body part he hit, rinse my mouth out. (DON'T YOU STOP READING THIS, YOU KNOW SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAS HAPPENED TO YOU BEFORE!) Then the nurse comes in and we are all clean and I'm hoping she doesn't notice that I am now make-up free (remember the vain comment). She says, 'Oh my gosh, you're bleeding Amber!' I said, 'What?' I look and I have blood drops all over my arm and sweater where Caden's little finger bled on me. I was a HOT MESS! Oh and for all you mothers that would have cleaned your kid off first, I did eventually get it off of him...Anyway, I had to share! Oh, and did I mention Tim and I had reservations for dinner?! I had to completely re-shower and change and re-do the face! Ahh....Kids!