Saturday, May 3, 2008

10 Things You May Not Know About Me...

I saw this idea on some other blog and thought it was pretty interesting. Here are 10 things you might not know about me.

1. I am totally obsessive compulsive about the sheets and comforter being exactly even every night before we go to bed...I have to have the exact same length on my side as Tim has on his. This does not matter so much to him, so if he gets in bed first, I have to tell him to lift his arms while I adjust everything. Honestly, it is crazy how I would not be able to sleep if this is not accomplished.

2. I absolutely love all types of music except country and oldies. If Tim burns a CD for me of new songs, I will listen to the CD all the way through and then go to to find out the lyrics for each song and I will memorize them so that I know exactly what they are saying. I'm a bit O.C. about this as well. I cannot stand to hear a song and wonder what it was the artist said...I will back it up over and over until I get it right. I also cannot stand to sing along with a song unless I know all the lyrics.

3. At one time I wanted to become a Veterinarian so I took 4 years of Latin. I know, crazy right since all of you that know me know how much I love pets...NOT.

4. The sight of shredded coconut makes me gag...seriously. I cannot stand the taste of it because of the texture. When it 'zzzttttssss' across your teeth when you bite me chills! So, growing up when my mom would make a German Chocolate Cake, she would do 1/2 with and 1/2 without!

5. It was not until I moved out of my parents house that I used an alarm clock. My sweet mother woke my sister and I up every single day of our lives going through school etc. without us having to use an alarm clock.

6. My Mom, Sister and myself have a 6th sense about calling one another 99% (seriously) of the time, if one of us is calling the other one, we get that person's voicemail or a busy signal because they are calling the other at the exact same time.

7. I should have been a crime scene investigator in life. I absolutely love all the CSI's and watching Dr. G Medical Examiner and autopsies, etc....I know, I know, I'm terrified of needles and listening to people who talk about needles or blood draws, etc...however, there is not much you can do for a dead body...they can't talk and most times can't bleed so there is no need for shots. The only thing I wish is that the Dr. G show was not 'simulation' when it comes to her cutting 'em open...totally fascinating!

8. I absolutely do not talk to strangers. I hate being on the elevator with people that want to be chatty...'wow, how bout them Cowboys...?' I hate football. 'Sure is raining hard.' Thank you for stating the obvious...what gave it away, the dripping umbrella I'm holding?! Or on planes! As soon as my bottom sits down I pull out my People magazine and read it as if my life is depending on it! I do not engage in random conversation with people I don't know. I did not choose to be on this plane with you or on an elevator and a few minutes, hours being confined to a small space does not instantly make you my friend...

9. I have always wished that I had blue eyes. More specifically Cal Ripkin eyes! I am convinced that one day they will be able to transplant the color portion of the eyes into someone!

10. Whenever I read an e-mail, magazine or newspaper article, I read it twice. Not because I did not 'get it or comprehend it' the first time but because I read it once for errors, spelling, grammar, etc...The second time I read it for content. It makes me crazy until I can make sure there are no errors. On a side, when people on the news or TV are speaking, I mentally correct their grammar as they speak. I also notice random things like shoes, and whether or not the person matches or their tie is on crooked. I'm not crazy! I have a friend that checks out the person's ear as they are talking...I won't name names...

Anyway, totally random I know, but fun!


Jamie said...

I have fallen out of my chair due to laughter...and you know why! Luckily, I think I knew all of this except the alarm clock thing (amazing, by the way).

Anonymous said...

I knew all but 1,2,& 4. The comforter is one that I hadn't a clue about! ha!

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