Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jury Duty

The reason I have been a 'less than' blogger recently is because last Monday I had Jury Duty. It had been rescheduled 2 times prior to last Monday. I was chosen as Juror #12, the only woman out of 11 other men. The clincher...it was an Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child case...Oh by the way, I have an 8 month old! I was upset that I, Amber would have to serve on a Jury for one, and secondly what are the odds that this would be the type of case...Once I resigned to the fact that I had to serve, was chosen, etc...we proceeded. Oh, and I was elected Jury Foreman! We finished today and sent the (.......) to prison for 65 years. He was found guilty on all 9 counts also. I am now proud and in fact honored to have served on that jury. I cannot tell you the euphoria I felt having the victim come up to us and thank us in tears for believing her. Her family failed her in believing her, the system to an extent failed her in believing her, but 12 strangers chose to let her voice be heard. I felt wonderfully relieved to have given her a voice and to see the monster that did these crimes (her father) be led away to prison. It is one of the hardest things I've ever been chosen to do. I just kept picturing Caden as well as all the children out there that are not 'believed' or do not 'have a voice' and are having these crimes committed against them with no way out. Anyway, off my soapbox, I will try to be a better blogger now, but that experience gave new meaning to the words 'mentally draining'.


Jamie said...

I am in no position to judge but I can't help but be overwhelmed with feelings of anger and disgust, and I don't even know the details. I know jury duty is never fun but you were chosen and then made foreman for a reason. Consider yourself a living guardian angel to that poor girl.

Anonymous said...

I am so very proud of you for what you did in taking the stand you have taken. What is right and must be done is certainly not always the easy road to be traveled. One by one these children can be made safer because of the dedication of people such as yourself. Yea for Amber!

Anonymous said...

I so very proud of you, Amber. To know that this man will be put away and his daughter can finally to see justice done, has to be the most rewarding service you have ever done. We must keep the girl in our prayers that God will heal her hurts and set her back on her feet so she can start living again.

Benita said...

What an example to others. When you think of how much this child must have gone through and by her own father. God has told us to minister to His children and you certainly did with your willingness to serve. Thank you! Benita

Jackie said...

I was praying for you Amber. I try to remember to pray for all children everywhere; how much it must sadden our Heavenly Father that people hurt his precious children so.

I'm glad you can finally put that behind you. Blessings, J

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