Thursday, May 1, 2008

Let Go! Let God (all the time)

So Tim and I were talking last night about the quote: Let Go! Let God. Seems easy enough to live by, but do we really every truly 'let go'? I know I don't. I mean in some things I the big things like, being pregnant with Caden and trusting God that it would go smoothly and I'd have a healthy pregnancy. But what about the daily things we worry about? I know with me I seem to think that I should Let Go, kind of but then hang on tight enough to whatever it is to help God help me through it. As if He needs my help! I at times am like, 'Okay God, take over this or that, but let me tell you how to resolve it and fix it.' Then I started thinking about my daily life and people I encounter...I do not tell the Barista how to fix my Venti White Mocha...I certainly didn't tell my pain Dr. how to do the 7 Facet Injections...I mean could you see me saying, 'Okay Mr. Starbucks went to Starbucks school LOL but let me tell you how to do that, step aside and let me come behind the counter and tell you how I like it'...'Okay Dr. Beirig, yeah I know you went to med school, blah blah, but here's how it's going to go down...' So, why do I think I need to help God help me through something? Just something to think about. I bought the below charm to remind me to truly Let Go! and Let God. He's God, not me...


Anonymous said...

I think all of us need to get that charm and keep it in plain sight each day! You are so right, though. We think we can speed things up by helping Him work things out. We just have to HIS time, not ours!

Jamie said...

So true. It's amazing how four little words can mean so much.

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