So tonight while I was on the phone with Mom (I was sitting in the office and had my back to Caden) I hear a small crash, he had pulled over a decorative bowl onto the floor. He was wailing and I was like, 'Hang on Mom, Caden is crying because a bowl hit the floor and it scared're okay, you're okay....' Mom and I are laughing and as I am holding him after about a minute I NOTICE A GOOSE EGG BUMP ON HIS HEAD! I know, I'm a horrible mother! So my mother reminded me she had bought a little gel filled deal that goes in the freezer for bumps, bruises, bowls falling on a child's head, I put it on his head while reading books to him. He got bored with that and decided to do the following things:
'I don't need this on my head Mommy, it didn't even hurt.'
'You'll love this Mommy, I was crying just to get your pain, seriously!'
'See look, I didn't even chip one of the 6 toothies!'
Look at all those great facial expressions! He just makes me smile. I'm glad his head wasn't hurt too badly.
What a great shot of all those little ivories! What a cutie! Please kiss his bo bo and tell him it's from GiGi.
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