Monday, July 28, 2008

Teething Again...

Today I picked Caden up and he fussed all the way home...totally not normal. We played for a little while and he continued to fuss. I got his dinner ready and he literally ate 3 bites at the most. So I changed his diaper and he was burning up! 101.8 and he has been gnawing on his fingers again. Poor little guy. We gave him some Tylenol and I took him for a short stroller ride to change up the scenery. He was super tired tonight when bed time came, so we are hoping he has a restful night. He looks like this because I was trying to cool him off. I don't normally let my child run around like he doesn't own clothing!


Jamie said...

Poor little guy! Teething is no fun but it is a necessary evil. And don't worry...we all know that Caden has clothes. :) He's still as precious as can be.

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Teething, ah I remember the days of Luke's teething drama. I'm sure you know this, but... you can alternate Tylenol and Motrin for continuous pain relief. You'll just have to as a pharmacist what the dosage schedule is on this. Praying for sweet Cade Man's relief soon. I could loan ya some of Luke's Tylenol with codeine, although I'm not too sure the FDA would smile upon that.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Caden I'm so sorry that you feel so bad with those teeth hurting. That is so much pain - what we need to do is find the "good tooth fairies" so they would not hurt so much. I wish Grammie could hurt for you but maybe all this teething will hurry and get out of our way. You are such a sweet angel baby boy - I love you. Mommy takes such good care of her little guy and helps him every way she can.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry our little honey is having such a hard time. Bless his little heart. There's all kinds of "old remedies" to use, one being vanilla flavoring put on his little gums. Hopefully, they'll all be in before too long so that he won't be so miserable. We love you little man.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that's me "anonymous"...

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